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Artist Bio

Ella Buchholz

(Erie, CO)



Says Ella: "My real love is color--I look for unique shades of unexpected colors."

Favorite Painter: Wassily Kandinski.

Her style: Abstract expressionism, akin to Kandinski, is the area where Ella normally works, however her new-realism flowers with an "otherworldly tinge" have recently become quite popular.

Her background: An anomaly among regional painters, she spent much of her career as a "union florist" for university campuses. Her deft strokes and raw vision belie the fact that she is entirely self taught.

Showings: Currently showing with four other women artists at Ella's own studio in Erie, CO. Numerous showings in gardens, vacant homes, and other inspired spaces.


(click image to enlarge)  
acrylic painting "Winnie Ha Ha" (GAS 2008)
paper "Paper Flower" (GAS 2008)
painting "Neon Trail" (GAS 2007)
painting "Bright Days" (GAS 2005)
©2007 Garden Art Show